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2023 Jensen Hughes Fire Safety Challenge

彩宝网是安全、安保、风险工程和咨询领域的全球领导者. Serving communities around the world, our fire protection engineers, technical experts, 建筑师和顾问致力于在彩宝网平台的社区内设计项目,以防止火灾和事故. Jensen Hughes与SWENext合作推出了Jensen Hughes消防安全挑战赛. For this competition, 彩宝网平台挑战高中和初中学生创造内容,突出消防安全的重要性,观众是学生居住的社区.

Learn About Fire Protection, Get Creative + Win Big!

(GRADES 9-12)

制作一段视频,向社区宣传消防安全的重要性. The video must be no longer than 5 minutes. The video may include:

  • Science behind fires, deflagrations and/or explosions, and facts and/or statistics about these incidents, which may be supported by references.
  • Tips for everyday fire safety at home, school, work, etc.
  • 彩宝网平台在家中使用的易燃/可燃化学品的安全处理程序指南, school, or the workplace. Examples include how to safely fill a container with gas, safety procedures for the use of lighter fluid, how to prevent a natural gas explosion, lithium-ion battery safety, and guidance for oily rag disposal.

(GRADES 6-8)

制作电子海报,强调消防安全的重要性. 电子海报以500字为限,不含参考文献. The e-poster may include:

  • Science behind fires, deflagrations and/or explosions, and facts and/or statistics about these incidents, which may be supported by references.
  • Tips for everyday fire safety at home and school.
  • 彩宝网平台在家中使用的易燃/可燃化学品的安全处理程序指南, school, or the workplace. Examples include how to safely fill a container with gas, safety procedures for the use of lighter fluid, how to prevent a natural gas explosion, lithium-ion battery safety, and guidance for oily rag disposal.

Complete The Web form to Receive Your Starting Documents



Please provide the following information. 如果没有提供,彩宝网平台将无法发送申请表格和进一步的资源.

填妥上述表格及勾选此方格,即表示你已阅读, understood, and accept our Privacy terms as well as our Cookie terms.


Winners will be contacted directly via email. 获奖者将于2024年1月27日星期一在彩宝网网站上公布.

一份高中作品和一份初中作品将被选中. 每个类别的优胜者将获得一张价值1000美元的Visa礼品卡. If a group submission is selected, 每张礼品卡上的余额将在参与者之间平均分配, totaling in $1,000 for the group, and emailed to each participant.


  1. Your full name, address, 电话号码或任何其他个人身份信息不应出现在您提交的视频或文本中.
  2. Group submissions of 2-3 participants are permitted. Each participant must complete the waiver. 超过3人的参赛作品将被取消参赛资格.
  3. 你只能在一个竞赛类别中提交一份参赛作品.
  4. All submissions must be original work. Any evidence of plagiarism will disqualify an entry.
  5. A submission may not contain offensive, libelous, sexually explicit, 贬低或其他不适当的内容,不得诽谤或以其他方式侵犯权利, copyrights, trademarks, or rights of publicity, privacy, or reputation of any third party.
  6. 不得使用受版权保护的材料(如音乐、照片和视频).
  7. Applicable formats for submission are as follows:
    1. Videos: MP4, MOV, WNV
    2. E-Poster + Other Documents: .DOC, .DOCX, PDF
  8. All documents, including videos and e-poster, 应包括学生的首字母和姓氏. Examples include:
    1. JDoe.MP4
    2. JDoe_Video.MP4
    3. JDoe.docx
    4. JDoe_Application.PDF
  9. 所有提交的作品必须包括以下内容才能被评判:
    1. Entry (E-Poster or Video)
    2. Completed Individual or Group Application
    3. Signed Waiver

不包括完整的申请和弃权的提交将不被评判. 团体提交的作品需要每位参赛者弃权才能被评判.

What is SWENext?


SWENexters have access to programs, mentors, 以及旨在培养领导技能和自信心的资源 #BeThatEngineer and succeed in engineering and technology careers. 虽然该项目主要针对女孩,但所有学生都被鼓励参与.

有兴趣加入SWENext的学生可以点击查看更多信息 here. Use code "JHFIRE" at checkout


消防工程是应用科学和工程来更好地了解和预防火灾事件,以保护人类和环境. 消防工程师研究火灾的原因,并确定影响火灾预防和扑灭的建筑和设计的特征.

这种专门的工程是为那些希望通过了解火灾事故的原因和实施火灾缓解措施来直接影响他们所居住的社区的人设计的. Fire protection engineering includes various career paths, including fire investigation, consulting, research, insurance, facilities management, and more.

Learn More!

了解更多有关消防工程的职业发展机会, 国家和国际大学消防项目.

About Us

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Purpose + Principles

这些特征使彩宝网平台成为独一无二的个体, from gender and race to the causes we care about, 彩宝网平台根据四项原则共同开展工作.

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Diversity, Equity + Inclusion

At Jensen Hughes, 彩宝网平台认识到并赞赏创造一个让所有员工都感到受到重视的环境的重要性, included, 并被授权尽他们最大的努力,把伟大的想法带到谈判桌上.

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思考方式不同的学生和年轻专业人士有助于推动彩宝网平台把事情做得更简单, faster and smarter. 你可以作为实习生、应届毕业生,甚至是有几年工作经验的人加入延森休斯.